De son arrière grand-père indien qui a embarqué pour l’aventure au XIXème siècle à sa naissance en France, RashmiKant a intégré toute l’histoire de sa famille dans sa double culture française et indienne.

Il a retiré de ces 2 richesses toute la force et la finesse pour les retranscrire dans ses textes exigeants et sa musique métissée qui tantôt vous transporte dans les palais d’Asie, tantôt évoque la pop culture américaine ou la chanson française folk.

Sans cesse entre Paris et Bollywood, RashmiKant vous invite à la croisée des chemins entre Orient et Occident à travers ses mélodies et son univers musical unique en France.


From his Indian great-grandfather who sailed for the adventure in the XIXth century to his birth in France, Rashmi Kant has integrated the entire history of his family in its dual French and Indian culture.

He withdrew from these 2 wealth the strength and the delicacy to write them down in his demanding lyrics and his crossed music which sometimes transports you in the palaces of Asia, sometimes evokes the pop American culture or the French folk song.

Constantly between Paris and Bollywood, Rashmi Kant invites you to an amazing journey in East and West through his melodies and his musical universe, unique in France.